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Support - Code Generators
1. What does version 2.0 stands for? 
2.0 corresponds to .Net Framework 2.0 library.
2. I already have version 1.0, 1.1 or 2.0. Which one is the latest version 1.1 or 1.0 or 2.0?
As of now 2.0 is the latest.
3. Does version 2.0 support .Net Framework 1.1?
Version 2.0 is optimized for .Net Framework 2.0 though it can be used in 1.1 Framework and may need some manual changes especially on datatypes and connection string.
4. Can version 2.0 Code Generator run on .Net Framework 1.1?
No. You need the .Net Framework 2.0 in order to run the Application 
5. I have VB.NET Class Generator. Can I upgrade it to VB & C# .NET Class Generator? If so, do I have to pay the full price?
Yes. You don’t have to pay the full amount. You only have to pay the difference. This applies to C# and Stored Proc Creator as well.
6. Can version 2.0 connect to SQL 2005 or SQLEXPRESS?
Yes. It supports SQL 2005 and SQLEXPRESS as well as MSDE and SQL 2000.
7. Is there going to be a new version? If so, will I be notified?
Version 2.0 is the latest version which was launched recently. Any new updates will be notified to all our registered users.
8. I have version 1.1. Can I upgrade to version 2.0?
Yes. You don't have to pay the full amount. Please email us at if you were not notified by us about our version 2.0 promotional offer.
9. What do I do if there is an exception being thrown in the Code Generator?
Please check whether the settings are correct in the Settings Tab. If the problem still persists contact us on with a screenshot of the exception and short explanation on how the exception occurred.
10. I need to recreate the class files or stored procedures. Will it overwrite my existing code?
Yes. The best way to resolve this is to rename your old Stored Procedures or create the Stored Procedures with a different name. For the class files create in a different location and manually cut and paste the code that you need in the existing class files.
11. Does the Stored Proc Generator supports Primary Key(s)?
Yes. The current version supports Primary Key(s).
12. Does the Stored Proc Generator supports @@identity?
Yes. The current version supports @@identity.
For other enquiries please email
Antech Solutions 2003